23 April 2016

Blitsy Planner party is on today's agenda!

Check out "Blitsy Planner Party" on Eventbrite! Date: Sat, Apr 23 Location: Blitsy Headquarters https://www.eventbrite.com/e/blitsy-planner-party-registration-22751831340?aff=eandpostshre&ref=eandpostshre

15 April 2016

DIY bookmarks out of paint chips

My latest craft... Making bookmarks out of paint chips/samples, stamped it and put a ribbon on top to match the birthday card, for a simple homemade gift. I think for my first attempt it's not perfect, but it's pretty cute to me. 😀
#diy #repurpose #paint #paintchips #bookmark #crafting #planner #plannergoodies #plannergeek #plannerlife #washi #bookmark #craftyfingers