25 October 2015

My review of Fast Jewelry® High Quality Gold Headset with Remote & Mic for Smartphone

I've had these headphones for little over a month and wanted to share my review on it. The instructions say that they're mainly for androids, as you can't use the volume keys with an apple device, so I tried them on both.  They do work on both devices, but as the instructions stated, you can't use the volume keys for apple devices.

The packaging is very nice, compact in a little box with the headphone wires wrapped around the container, while underneath it, the extra ear buds are stored.  Makes it very easy to take with you, all in one nice case, where you don't lose all the various earbuds or the headphones.

The sound was a bit distorted and muffled on my android phone.  It sounded as if it was in a tunnel and was not a clear, sharp sound. It just sounded ok.  On the apple device, it was even more muffled. I tried to talk to someone via the mic and earphones but they kept asking me what I said, so the sound quality was the same on both ends.

Overall, the packaging is nice, the earphones look like a quality set of buds, but the sound was not as sharp and clear as I like.  I would probably get these as a gift for a younger person, where they may not be as concerned about sharpness and clarity. And for the price of $6.95, you can't beat it.
I received these buds free in exchange for my honest review and I hope my review helps you with your purchase.

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